

Crime (Personal)

Z.A Law Consultancy covers all range of criminal matters and specialise in murder, rape, financial fraud and international cross border drug offences. We assist our clients from the moment they are arrested until the matter is successfully disposed of. Our defence work is immaculate and thorough, no stone is left unturned when it comes to preparing our clients case. Unlike most defence solicitors, we don’t only work with what we are disclosed from the prosecuting authority, we go above and beyond by carrying out our own investigations and enquiries, aiming to discover valuable information, which will support your case.

Civil Litigation (Personal)

Z.A Law Consultancy understands how stressful and difficult it is to be facing a civil claim no matter how small. We represent claims in both the County Court and the High Court. All cases are vetted before instructions are accepted. We pride ourselves with having a strict policy for all new instructions to be vetted thoroughly before entering into a client solicitor relationship. This approach enables us to be transparent and prevent our clients losing money on cases, which is not likely to succeed.

There are three civil claim tracks, which will determine how costs will be incurred and recovered. These are small track, fast track and multi track.

Legal fees in small track is not recoverable from the losing party. Sometimes you may end up paying just as much in legal fees as the value of the claim against you. We have devised a service, which will assist those who wish to bring or defend their small claims in the County Court for a small fixed fee, subject to conditions. For more information please contact us.

Legal fees in fast track cases may be recovered from the losing party but this is subject to any costs order and/or how the proceedings progress.

Legal fees in multi track cases can be significantly high due to case complexity, therefore realistic case plan and costs budgeting is paramount at the start of the case. Please contact us to discuss further and devise a suitable payment plan.

Employment (Personal)

We provide one off employment advice to all individuals who have work related queries and issues. We undertake advice and assistance for employees who are facing redundancy and have been offered a settlement agreement. The cost of this advice is recoverable from your employer. We appreciate termination dates are usually fast approaching and do provide urgent appointments for those who need a quick turnaround.

Education Law (Personal)

Z.A Law Consultancy provides legal assistance for all aspects of Higher Education misconduct including appealing to the Office of Independent Adjudication (OIA) or instigating a claim in the County Court for breach of Contract. All cases must be vetted before we can accept instructions and provide a quote. It is important to note that for maximum chance of success, we will need to be informed and instructed prior to any internal appeal processes are exhausted or as soon as the University indicates plagiarism, collusion, cheating, personation, deceit, falsification may have taken place.

Crime (Business)

Z.A Law Consultancy covers all areas of business crime and specialises in fraud, corruption, bribery, money laundering and serious health & safety breaches. We endeavour to assist our clients from the moment they are arrested or receive notice to attend for a voluntary interview until the matter is successfully disposed of. Our defence work is immaculate and thorough, no stone is left unturned when it comes to preparing our clients cases. We work all hours required to prepare a defence for complex cases, we go above and beyond by carrying out our own investigations and enquiries, aiming to locate valuable information, which will help our prepare our defence.

Civil Litigation (Business)

Z.A Law Consultancy understands how stressful and difficult it is for your business to be facing legal dispute. If matters don’t resolve amicably, it could affect your business financially and damage reputation in some instances. We have helped many businesses without taking matter to court. If you have a pending legal matter, which will affect your business we can provide a one off consultation, where we will assess the details of the concern, take necessary instructions and advice as to steps going forward.

Employment (Business)

We provide employment services for small and medium size businesses, who wish to get advice and guidance on the following;

  1. Managing employees

  2. Compliance for your business

  3. Regulatory requirements

  4. General business related matters (drafting or reviewing third party agreements)

Our services to businesses encompass a one-off consultation and/or monthly mentoring packages. Our aim is to make sure their new or existing business is running smoothly and they have all the necessary legal, regulatory and compliance measures in place with regular internal audits. We prepare settlement agreements on behalf your business and advice you accordingly before it is offered to your employee who is facing redundancy. The fee for this will vary depending on the complexity of the agreement but will range from £350.00.

Compliance & Regulatory (Business)

Every business requires to follow certain set of policies and procedures. We will analyse your business performances and advice as to what compliances you are required to undertake and assist with making sure your business is fully compliant with all necessary legal requirements.