Cross Border Defence



Miss Ziba Akarcay represented a young man from Germany who was arrested and extradited to the U.K following an allegation of kidnapping of a young girl from London. This young man found himself in a U.K. prison without any English to express himself. Ziba took very thorough instructions and started digging deep, investigating the young girls family and her relationship with her parents. Ziba instructed a German lawyer to find out if any allegations were made in Germany by the young girl upon our clients arrest in Germany.

Bingo! The young girl had provided a statement to the prosecutors in Germany that she was not kidnapped and she called our client to rescue her, as her parents were trying to sell her off to an older man in the U.K.

Ziba asked the German lawyers, to take a full statement from the young girl. The prosecution had only relied on the fathers statement in the U.K. to extradite our client, which meant we were able to approach the young girl and take a statement from her.


Written representations were made to the prosecution together with the initial statement the young girl gave to the German prosecutor and the statement she gave to the Germany lawyer. The prosecution offered no evidence and our client was released from custody. This was a happy ending for both our client and the young girl.

As mentioned on our home page, we leave no stone unturned. If you need any help contact us for a free confidential chat.

